Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

The Great Purge…

As we start a new year, we are looking to learn from past mistakes, create better systems, and start fresh.

Like many at the start of a new year, we are purging our household of any unwanted, needed, or unused ‘things’ we find around the house. Like Henry David Thoreau said- “You don’t own things.  Things own you.”

With the added farm responsibilities, I find myself purging around the farm as well.  The broken shovel that we continue to use or say that we ‘can fix’… gone.  The pile of wood that has tarps stapled on it, from a previous project… pulled apart, tarps tossed, and wood ready to use for a new project.  We have a little window of melt right now and I find we’re trying to take advantage while we can. 

We also have been trying to use our spaces a little bit more effectively.  Still haven’t quite figured out the best system for the feed, but have moved everything into the barn for now.  Under the watchful eye of our guardian dog.  The gatekeeper.  If the sheep even have what she deems as ‘too much’ hay, she lets them know and stands in front of the hay stack.  Good thing for some, as a pesky red squirrel has been getting into our feed out in the barnyard. I have- up until now- kept a large  water-tight container in the barnyard for the chickens.  Easy feeding, easy access.  Not anymore.  The red squirrels have gone through two lids now, putting tiny shards of blue plastic around the bins.  Now that I’ve moved he feed into the barn, they don’t seem to want to take on ‘Elsa’.  Hhhmmm… maybe she should get a treat in the morning… 

“Mommy, the chickens are stinky.  We need to do something about that.”

-3 year old farmer, ready to take on the world! 


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